Lake Rewalsar...

We started at 8:00 AM from Shimla and took the way to Kullu via Mandi. The objective was to visit Lake Rewalsar, 140 km. from Shimla. Lake Rewalsar (locally called as Tso Pema/ Lotus Lake) along with statue of Padmasambhava (popular as Guru Rinpoche in Tibet) is one of the most popular symbols in Himachal Pradesh tourism advertisements. Surrounded and hidden in rugged mountains this sacred lake is 23 km. from town of Mandi.

It was from this place Indian teacher Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche in Tibet) left for Tibet to spread Mahayana Buddhism in Tibet. Annoyed by fondness of his daughter for long haired Padmasambhava, legend says that the king of Mandi, Vihardhara tried to burn alive the sage Padmasambhava, to prevent his daughter Mandarava running off with him. It is believed that the charred corpse of Padmasambhava liquefied into water forming Lake Rewalsar. The spirit of Padmasambhava is said to still reside in the islands of floating reed since then. Statue of Lord Padmasambhava defines the skyline of Lake Rewalsar.

The lake, surrounded by three temples, three monasteries and one gurudwara represents the meeting point of all faiths. Most acclaimed being the temple dedicated to Sage Lomash. It is believed that once Sage Lomash got a visual to perform meditation here, which he followed. Pleased by his meditation Goddess Parvati had blessed Sage Lomash to be immortal and travel around the world with speed as per his heart. Thereafter Gods Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Ganesha and Sun have been staying forever at this place.

Rewalsar is also popularly called as Trisangam, त्रिसंगम (unification of Three Holy Communities) and displays a perfect example of fabric of great Indian culture. One can enjoy some authentic Tibetan food here in the eateries.

Lake Rewalsar is one of the perfect offbeat places to relax and unwind yourself. Check out video for Lake Rewalsar:

After a few spiritual moments at Lake Rewalsar the caravan of this vagabond again started to Kullu.

Lakes in Himachal Pradesh are situated in some of the most picturesque natural surroundings. Another lake worth mention is Renuka Lake, biggest lake in Himachal Pradesh.

Keep travelling Guys...

Gaurav Verma

A passionate Traveler who wants to see the whole world before hanging his boots. Always ready to explore offbeat and hidden spots. MBA + Engineer from Ivy league colleges, Gaurav is much sought after for his choice of lifestyle activities and Brand promotional campaigns.

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